Norlase is Reinventing the Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope
The Norlase® LION™ is a next generation green laser indirect ophthalmoscope that is lightweight, portable, and easy to transport anywhere. It’s ultra-compact laser technology is built-in and powered by a battery in the footswitch – allowing doctors to enjoy an untethered laser treatment solution. A wireless user interface and voice control of parameters provide unmatched ease of use and practice efficiency. Norlase created LION with technology that is unique and disruptive. LION is the first of its kind laser indirect ophthalmoscope integrated with a built-in laser source, self-contained fibers and untethered design. It has the perfect balance of power and practice efficiency. Everything you need to treat your patients is at your fingertips. LION is an innovative and enabling addition to your ophthalmic practice and combines functionality and flexibility for improved workflow.