LASERMACH Technology
Wingderm Lasermach® laser platform features advanced diode technology, clinically proven effective in hair reduction. Simply put, Lasermach provides the highest efficacy hair removal solution at the best price in the industry. Used in 80 countries in 10,000 clinics, Lasermach achieves high patient and clinic satisfaction with its flexibility, power and intuitive design.
Lasermach is a powerful diode laser system that’s able to deliver a range of fluence levels and pulse durations to effectively target all Fitzpatrick skin types. With its advance cooling system, it can deliver continuous, effective and comfortable treatment all day long.
Lasermach supports two operational modes: Aesthetics Mode, a simpler mode for the newer user utilizing standard settings based on skin type and area being treated, and Professional Mode, a fully configurable mode that allows precise settings by the experienced aesthetician. It also offers static and slide-and-glide application modes depending on user selected settings and the treatment area.
The 12 x 20 mm spot size is the perfect size to quickly cover large areas like the back and chest, yet still be able to target smaller areas like the upper lip without the need to switch handles or spot sizes mid-treatment.