IQ577 - Salientmed


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Solid State True Yellow Diode Laser for Ophthalmology

Iridex’s 577nm laser for photocoagulation.

True yellow 577nm wavelength for optimum absoption allowing for lower powers and increased patient comfort.

Includes MicroPulse™ Laser Therapy for Fovea-Friendly™* laser grids and tissue-sparing* combo therapies.

Includes MicroPulse® tissue sparing technology for a fovea-friendly™ procedures to delivery energy below levels of standard photocoagulation. It reduces thermal spread by confining heat to the target area allowing for repeatable macular and foveal laser sessions. Option for multi-spot pattern scanning with the TxCell Scanning Slit Lamp Adapter for efficiency and confluent laser patterns.

Multiple delivery systems available including slit lamps, LIOs and endoprobes.

MicroPulse® Laser Trabeculoplasty (MLT) for glaucoma also possible with this device.

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